Multiple Sclerosis is “an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS)...In MS, myelin is lost in multiple areas, leaving scar tissue called sclerosis. These damaged areas are also known as plaques or lesions.” It is a debilitating disease, one that robs its victims of their health and, sometime, life.
It is also, generally, treatable and manageable. Medications and protocols exist that help those with MS function, contribute, and enjoy life.
That medication, however, doesn’t come cheap. Annual costs range from $5,000 to over $20,000. Most health plans cover at least part of this expense, and “big pharma” has programs to help ease that burden, as well.
At least, that’s the case in the good ole U S of A.
Across the pond, however, the outlook for those with MS just got bleaker:
In fact, according to the Times, some patients have been told that they may have to wait a year before they can be treated, and others have even been bumped off the waiting list.
But the Times isn’t the only broadsheet with bad news:
That’s from the Telegraph, another British paper. It seems that the much-vaunted National Health service (NHS) is facing a major funding crisis:
“(S)enior figures in strategic health authorities (SHAs) and the deaneries have been warned at meetings with DoH officials that their budgets for 2006-07 are likely to be cut. A letter seen by The Daily Telegraph from an SHA to the directors of finance of 10 primary care trusts and seven NHS trusts warns them to plan on the basis that their budgets will be cut by 10 per cent.” (ibid)
Apparently, “universal” means “everyone suffers.”
UPDATE: For a related post, with a Canadian twist, see this item at Free Canada.
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